Carles & Sofia

24/09 – 20h30 | Teatro Juarez Machado

Um dos mais destacados duos de piano em atividade, Carles Lama e Sofia Cabruja já se apresentaram nos principais teatros pelo mundo, como Carnegie Hall (Nova York), Teatro Solís (Montevideo), Teatro Colón (Buenos Aires), Palau de la Música Catalana (Barcelona), Sala Verdi (Milán), Auditorio Nacional del SODRE (Montevideo), Jin Mao Tower (Shanghai), Glinka Philarmonic Hall (São Petersburgo), International House of Music (Moscou), Auditori (Barcelona), Fundación Juan March (Madrid), Yong Siew Toh Conservatory (Singapura), Istana Budaya (Kuala Lumpur), Takanawa Kumin Hall (Tóquio), Brooklyn Theatre (Pretoria), Teatro Rivoli (Porto), Auditorio Enric Granados (Lerida), Teatro Municipal Funchal (Madeira), Taicang Grand Theater, Fujian Grand Theater, Kunming Theater, Liuzhou Art Center (China) e em mais de quarenta países. Estrearam diversas obras compostas especialmente para o duo, de autores como John Carmichael (Austrália), Tomas McIntosh (EUA), Françoise Choveaux (França), Zack Browning (EUA), Christoph Ewers (Alemanha) e espanhóis como Abraham Espinoza, Daniel Basomba e Andreu Diport. Em sua ampla discografia, destacam-se discos como Catalan Heart, Brahms Lieder, Spanish Essence, Goyescas New York e Schubert Fantasy. Artistas Steinway, receberam vários prêmios, como a Distinção Honorífica da Unicef, Paul Harris Fellow Rotary International, Estrella de Oro a la Excelencia Profesional, Mella Europea al Mérito em el trabajo e Cruz Europea de Oro. Além de sua destacada carreira profissional, o duo tem um forte compromisso com os problemas sociais. Em 2012, fundaram seu projeto Concerts4Good, Music on a Mission, além de participarem em projetos sociais onde a música é a força motriz.


19/09 – 8:30 pm | Sociedade Harmonia Lyra

One of the most acclaimed contemporary Brazilian instrumentalists, with many concerts in theaters and festivals in Brazil and abroad, such as Lincoln Center, in New York, Montreaux Jazz Academy, in Switzerland and Jazzahead in Bremen, Germany (2023), Amaro Freitas brings his solo concert to the opening night of Pianístico de Joinville. He was born in the outskirts of Recife, he learned music during his teenage years, in the evangelical church. He won a scholarship to study at the Conservatório Pernambucano de Música, as a student of Rafael Vernet. In 2016, Amaro Freitas released his debut album, “Sangue Negro”. In 2018, he was invited by singer Lenine to be part of the CD “Lenine em trânsito”, playing piano in the song “Lua candeia”. In the same year his album “Rasif” was released by the English label “Far Out Recordings”, which incorporates rhythms such as Frevo, Afrojazz, Maracatu, Coco and Baião. Still in 2018, he was part of “Brasil Music Exchange” – Música & Artes (BM & A). In 2020, he recorded with Milton Nascimento and Criolo the songs “Cais” e “Não existe amor em SP” and with Milton and the Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra a version of the song “Drão”. In 2021, his album “Sankofa” was released by the English label “Far Out Recordings”. His work incorporates to the Jazz language, sounds and references from Brazilian Popular Culture, in addition to rhythmic elements of African music.