Cheryl Renée

21/09 – 22h00 | Instituto Internacional Juarez Machado
22/09 – 19h00 | Shopping Mueller (show com banda)

Cheryl nasceu  em Cincinnati e cresceu ouvindo as estações locais de Rock e Rhythm’n’blues em meados dos anos 60. Toca profissionalmente desde os dezessete anos e, aos 21, passou a viajar e tocar em várias partes dos EUA e Canadá, indo também à Alemanha, Japão, Coréia e Filipinas, estabelecendo-se na Nova Inglaterra. Com seu marido e a The Renée/Randall Blues Band, Cheryl fez parte da cena do blues de Boston e tocou na abertura do House of Blues em Massachusetts. Conhecida como a “Deusa do Blues de Cincinnati”, ela partiu para a estrada com o grupo de rhythm’n’blues Mad Dog Fire Department, no início dos anos 70. De volta a Cincinnati, depois de trinta anos, ela integrou o grupo Them Bones e chegou ao top 10 no International Blues Challenge em Memphis, 2005. Também foi indicada ao Cincinnati Entertainment Award na categoria Blues. Sediada em Cincinnati, Ohio, é possível vê-la tocando sozinha, em duo ou com a Cheryl Renée's Blues Band, em diferentes clubes noturnos.

21/09 – 10:00 pm | Instituto Internacional Juarez Machado
22/09 – 7:00 pm | Shopping Mueller (Concert with band)

Cheryl was born in Cincinnati and grew up listening to local Rock and Rhythm and Blues music stations in the mid 60’s. She has played professionally since she was seventeen years old and, at 21, she began travelling and playing all over the United States and Canada, also going to Germany, Japan, Korea and Philippines, establishing in New England. With her husband and The Renée/Randall Blues Band, Cheryl was part of the Blues scene in Boston and played at the opening of the House of Blues in Massachusetts. Known as “Cincinnati’s Goddess of the Blues”, she went on the road with local Rhythm ‘n’ blues group Mad Dog Fire Department, in the early 70’s. Back to Cincinnati, after thirty years, she was part of the local group Them Bones, and reached Top 10 on the International Blues Challenge, in Memphis, in 2005. She was also nominated to the Cincinnati Entertainment Award, in the Blues category.  Based in Cincinnati, Ohio, it is possible to see her playing alone, in duo or with the Cheryl Renée's Blues Band, at different nightclubs.