Oscar Aldama

28/09 – 16h | Sociedade Harmonia Lyra

Oscar Aldama possui formação erudita e popular e imprime, em cada obra autoral, uma amálgama de influências musicais, como laboratório de diversas agrupações e trabalhos de pesquisa dos ritmos latino-americanos, como chamamé, chacarera, polca paraguaia, samba, baião, candombe, festejo, entre outros. Neste trabalho de pesquisa de linguagem e estética dos ritmos latino-americanos, destacam-se as gravações dos álbuns “Sonidos Del Sur do violonista paraguaio Pedro Martinez, “Quilombo” do baixista cubano Aniel Someillan, Bolerojazz “Del Sur al Norte” da cantora paraguaia Monica Elizeche e “Outra voz” da cantora instrumental e compositora brasileira Ana Malta. Oscar Aldama tem intensa atividade artística no piano latino-americano e na criação livre, inspirado pela escola universal de Hermeto Pascoal, que traz a improvisação dentro da linguagem de cada ritmo específico. O repertório é composto por músicas autorais e releituras de músicas de autores paraguaios. Nesta apresentação, atua ao lado de Oscar Aldama, a cantora Ana Malta.

19/09 – 8:30 pm | Sociedade Harmonia Lyra

One of the most acclaimed contemporary Brazilian instrumentalists, with many concerts in theaters and festivals in Brazil and abroad, such as Lincoln Center, in New York, Montreaux Jazz Academy, in Switzerland and Jazzahead in Bremen, Germany (2023), Amaro Freitas brings his solo concert to the opening night of Pianístico de Joinville. He was born in the outskirts of Recife, he learned music during his teenage years, in the evangelical church. He won a scholarship to study at the Conservatório Pernambucano de Música, as a student of Rafael Vernet. In 2016, Amaro Freitas released his debut album, “Sangue Negro”. In 2018, he was invited by singer Lenine to be part of the CD “Lenine em trânsito”, playing piano in the song “Lua candeia”. In the same year his album “Rasif” was released by the English label “Far Out Recordings”, which incorporates rhythms such as Frevo, Afrojazz, Maracatu, Coco and Baião. Still in 2018, he was part of “Brasil Music Exchange” – Música & Artes (BM & A). In 2020, he recorded with Milton Nascimento and Criolo the songs “Cais” e “Não existe amor em SP” and with Milton and the Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra a version of the song “Drão”. In 2021, his album “Sankofa” was released by the English label “Far Out Recordings”. His work incorporates to the Jazz language, sounds and references from Brazilian Popular Culture, in addition to rhythmic elements of African music.